Dying light bad blood create account

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Stun recovery time variance still extremely unclear (Why can I sometimes get a heavy attack off on someone after I parry them and othertimes not even when they aren't using DIY shield? Why can I sometimes hit them three times and other times only twice before they can parry again? Lag? By design? If by design what's the variable factor? Nobody seems to know for sure.) They only needed to nerf that part but instead they nerfed they draw time as well which served as a huge indirect buff to guns. Shield nerf was poorly thought out, (the problem wasn't that you could pull it out super quick it (which was the only meaningful counter to a surprise shotgun pull-out at close range,) it was that you could put it AWAY super quick and immediately parry your opponent while they were mid charge up swing.

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devs have made few meaningful updates to the game in the two months since launch.

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